Terms of Sale

Terms of Sale

The following terms apply only to online purchases made through this website and the Patch checkout page linked from this site.

Description of Goods Sold:

Tonnes of CO2 removal. All delivered tonnes will be third-party validated and will be delivered as digital certificates.

Delivery of Goods:

Pull To Refresh shall deliver the goods per the terms listed below:

Date of Delivery: The Goods purchased each month (or one-time or year if paying on an annual basis) shall be delivered to the Customer on or within three years (1,095 days) of that month’s (or one time or annual) payment date. If the Goods are not delivered within three years from the date of purchase, Pull To Refresh shall issue a full refund for that month’s purchase amount within 30 days of written request for refund. 

Means of Delivery: Pull To Refresh shall deliver the Goods via electronic certificates to the Member at the email address they provide through their online account. 

Delivery Notice: Pull To Refresh will notify the Member of any delays that may affect the expected delivery date. 

Pull To Refresh guarantees delivery within three years of verified carbon removal certificates with 1000+ year permanence. We do not guarantee the specific method of carbon removal or that actual removal will be completed by our company.

Once you have bought more than one tonne, you can contact us anytime to have ownership be re-allocated to a new email address. If tonnes are being sold it is your sole responsibility to find a buyer. Pull To Refresh just conducts the transfer.

Refund and Cancellation Policy:                   

Refund Policy: Goods delivered not as described to the Member will be fully refunded within 30 days of written notice requesting refund. 

Goods not as Described: Only goods delivered in the following condition will be considered not as described:

  • Tonnes not verified by a third party

Cancellation Policy: Members can cancel monthly payments at any time. All Goods paid for prior to cancellation will be delivered within 1,095 days of final payment.    

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